Wednesday, December 23, 2009

According to a U.S. study published in the journal Psychosomatic Medicine, tai chi exercise can help prevent inflammation in skin diseases (shingles).

Say, 36 trials of adult men and women showed that the combination of relaxation and movement as seen in people who bertai chi improve immunity against the virus that causes extraordinary kenyerian skin.

"Our findings offer a unique example and astonishing," said Dr. Michael Irwin of the Neuropsychiatric Institute at the University of California Los Angeles.

Shingle attacking people who had suffered from chickenpox when younger. Herpes virus that causes chickenpox, called varicella, stay in the body, causing infection in nerve cells.

Immunity to the virus when it weakens, usually as we age, the virus can cause bruises that cause pain in the skin. The pain can be very severe and can persist for many years.

The team led by Dr. Irwin tested 36 men and women who on average had 70 years of age. None of them ever attacked Shingle, but all have had chickenpox. Half or 18 of them were asked to follow the practice of tai chi for 45 minutes three times a week, while the rest did not do anything.

Five weeks later, researchers checked their immune systems, including general physical condition. Those who follow the tai chi not only feel healthier, immune system cells and even increased to 50 percent, including system cells called memory T-cells, which specifically recognize and attack duty varicella virus.


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