Monday, December 28, 2009

Though sleek hair was also desirable, but that does not mean going limp hair comfortable to stare at any time. Consider the following tips to make your thin hair look more volume:

1. Layer pieces.
There are misguided about the right haircut for thin hair. Many pieces of the layer is considered the best solution. In fact, if too many layers, the hair just looks increasingly slim. Instead, choose haircuts rose slightly on the back, like a bob cut back shortened, but not layers.

2. The right color.
Change the basic color on your hair can also create the illusion of hair volume. Way; make the hair on the bottom 2 levels of hair looks much brighter than the color of hair shaft. Pigment in the hair dye is able to provide the stem density to make it quite rough and add the thickness of each piece of hair shaft. However, hair dyes could have damaged hair, therefore, try to limit these hair coloring, for example a 3-4 times a year just studying the reaction of the hair of this kind of treatment. For those who do not want to change the original color of their hair, select colors that match the original hair.

3. Reversing the rule.
So far all the rules say that a conditioner is used after the wash. However, sometimes conditioner can make thin hair become more limp. Try to use a conditioner before you wash. This way, you'll just get the moisture to the hair and keelastisitasannya, but you still membuan residues can add weight to the hair. On the days when hair was very dirty, try to do; shampoo, conditioner, then shampoo again.

4. Drain carefully.
Creating a volume in thin hair needs precision and caution. If too much, might actually look more drenched than usual. As you will dry your hair with a blow dryer, do it by taking part in the big hair, do a little, make sure the hair dryer tip inches from hair and kept moving toward the end of the hair.

5. Lift, hold on!
To increase the volume after drying, lift each section of hair about 3 inches, and spray hairspray on the section near the root of the (choose a type of hairspray medium-hold). If you do not like hairspray, mousse use on rare-toothed comb, and hair sisirkan still half wet. Let it dry with a hair dryer or order as usual.


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