Tuesday, March 2, 2010

One of the keys to happiness in life is interwoven with love romance. Talking about it certainly can not escape the sex life. Many studies mention, people who are able to keep raging affair with my beloved spouse, marriage generally lived a satisfying life. They are happier than couples who rarely have sex, or compared to couples who have sex often but do not enjoy it.

Meanwhile, a number of other studies claimed, sexual activity on a regular basis not only effective to boost mental health. Women who have sex with regular partner will get a myriad of health benefits, due to balance hormones in the body properly maintained. Benefits that can be increasing, when we often have an orgasm when connected. "When a woman has an orgasm, the hormone cortisol stimulation promotes gray areas in the brain, resulting in increased hormone endorphins and serotonin. This will enhance confidence, and physical and mental health," said Dr. Ferryal Loetan, ASC & T, Sp.RM, MKes-MMR, the practice of sex consultant in Jakarta.

One of the benefits if having sex on a regular basis and the top is the menstrual cycle was regular. These facts, among others proved through studies conducted Winnifred Cutler and his team at Columbia and Stanford University. They said, the women who have intercourse at least once a week (outside the time period), tend to have a schedule of regular menstruation. This is in comparison to the rare group of women who enjoy sexual activity.

Cutler also affirmed, women who have sex with feeling tends to be healthier physically and psychologically. "In this case, the level of intimacy contribute higher than an orgasm," he said. Furthermore, sex can also reduce the potential incidence of STDs, problems in the uterus, and easier to predict fertility.


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