Tuesday, January 19, 2010

The process of aging in a person very closely related to the decline in hormone production of the body. In the anti-aging science is mentioned, the hormone production will stop when the 30-year-old man.

"After that, the hormone will continue to decline until the end of our life," said Widya Murni, a doctor from Jakarta Anti-Aging Center, Kemang, South Jakarta.

In fact, hormones play an important role in the regeneration of cells so that one always looks youthful. When young, hormones regulate the body work functions of body organs, including the response to heat, cold, and sexual activity. If hormone production decreases, the body's ability to repair itself (self-repaired) is reduced.

That's called aging. Even so, the aging process in each person must be different. There are even older than 30 years and the skin is still pretty fresh. Conversely, there are people who just 20 years old, but her face looks dull like an old man.

Then, what makes them different? Phaidon Toruan, Anti-Aging & Executive Fitness Center, in Kemang, South Jakarta, said that the presence of hormones influenced lifestyle and diet. Someone will rapidly aging if lifestyle and poor diet.

"People who eat junk food, smoking, and unhealthy living the same accelerated aging itself," he said.

Therefore, a healthy lifestyle is necessary to increase the body's hormones. For example, setting to eat, eat a balanced nutrition, regular exercise and adequate sleep.

What if we already have a hormone deficiency? The fix is to provide hormone therapy. This therapy is known as hormone replacement therapy. The goal, restore the lost hormones.

However, hormone therapy is its only added hormone. So, can not restore hormone balance disrupted by age.
Unfortunately, the socialization of hormone replacement therapy is not very good.

"Many people are afraid with this therapy because it often goes wrong," added Freddy Wilmana, doctors and consultants from Health Autos Indonesia Society.

Hormone therapy is one indeed backfire for its users. You see, the wrong therapy can raise the tumor and cancer in the body. Phaidon said, people should be injected with hormones hormone levels checked first.


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