Thursday, January 7, 2010

After so many studies about the adverse effects mobile phone use for health, a study claims to find the potential for cell phone radiation prevention of Alzheimer's disease.

Although these findings are still early stage and confined to mice in the laboratory, but at least raised hopes that mobile phone radiation can be used for disease prevention

In his research, experts in the U.S. Florida showed that cell phone radiation can protect memory engineered mice that have Alzheimer's. The researchers are now developing research to find the appropriate frequency memeroleh better results.

As published the Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, peneltian the Florida Alzheimer's Disease Research Center is using 96 mice genetically engineered congested beta-amyloid plaques in the brain during old age. The presence of this plaque is a marker of Alzheimer's disease. The whole rat was previously under normal conditions does not undergo alias dementia.

Within 7 to 9 months, all rats exposed to electromagnetic waves emitted by a standard cell phone twice a day for one hour. Cage they also placed equal distances around the central antenna which transmits the phone signal,

Leadership of Professor Gary Arendash research says that if the radiation from exposed rats as Alzheimer's enters a young age before signs of memory damage appears, cognitive abilities rats are protected. The proof, the rats are programmed to show good results when tested for memory and thinking, as well as normal mice. If mice have shown that Alzheimer's memory disorder is exposed to electromagnetic waves, this memory disorder was found missing.


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