Saturday, November 21, 2009

Smiles and laughter are not always the same. If laughter is more based on the spontaneous reaction, the smile may be a behavior that can be taught. But need honesty before already spit the disgusting smile.

At the front door of a doctor's office there is an announcement. "Patients with memory disorders please pay in advance". The doctor was clearly going to be funny. But the joke could be hurtful choice.

The doctor may forget that most of the jokes use oral language as a medium. And reality shows, that the language could invite multiple interpretations. Therefore, although jokes can make people laugh, can make lelecon grimaced.

In this case different from the smile of a joke. A smile does not require spoken language, and never hurt. Furthermore, differences in interpreting the purpose of language, can be done even by the same person. Today jokes can make me laugh, tomorrow or yesterday could make me hurt.

For Sumarni Pinuji Lestari (54), living with someone other than their own biological children even enrich thought. "I became more patient and compassionate," says Dance, Sumarni friendly greeting. At home his parents in Ngadinegaran heritage, Yogyakarta, Dance accommodate three nephews.

Two of his nephews, Pundra (16) and Noval (11), joined with dance after their father died, while her mother was still living in Lampung. In Yogya, Pundra go to school in high school class I, whereas class VI Noval enter primary school.

Dance try acting as surrogate mother even before he had rarely met a couple of her niece. Done selling juice at the Gadjah Mada University campus at around 16:00, he took time to accompany Pundra and Noval study at home.

Dance also educate children to live independently brother. They share the task of cleaning the house, washing his own clothes, and wash the dishes done eating. "It happens at their house also has taught care of business by her mother's house. So, I do not need to be too difficult to govern them, "said Dance.

To finance the three nephews, Dance relied money selling juice and homestay fee. Dance family happened to open a boarding house business together.

Dance the other brother helped finance his niece's third purpose. For school fees, Dance also assisted his brothers the others.

According to Seto as a psychologist, mental ngenger people can forge stronger and not easily give up, but it relies on basic education from parents.

"If a parent early is always encouraging and motivating, the child will grow up with high confidence. Whatever the circumstances, "Seto said.

Her children who were born in the life of an established, Seto teach them not to rely on property to live with their parents. Seto also involves three children in activities that are charitable. "To remind the children that they are grateful with what they have," said Seto.

In marriage, sexual relations can serve as a means to achieve physical and emotional pleasure together. Therefore, do not there those who feel burdened.

Unfortunately, not all men understand the needs of his partner in bed. If not immediately talk about, sex can turn into an unpleasant experience that was reluctant to be repeated. Here are some things that often make women lazy romantic.

1. Trying new positions
Creativity is needed to avoid saturation intercourse. In the case of sex positions, are now countless more information about this, ranging from ancient style to modern Kamasutra style blue movies.

However, not a few women who are afraid when her partner asked her to make the position of "strange" or activities that surprising. Moreover, for many positions in the book often makes forehead frown and need for improvisation more difficult. When smooth communication with partners, of course this can be discussed, but if the husband likes to force, of course this can lead to trauma.

2. Rough
Biting the shoulder area, neck, or ear may be something that adds intimacy. Some people also unconsciously scratching or squeezing a particular body part. Without realizing it, these actions are often done too hard, causing pain.

3. Oral sex
For women this activity often leads to embarrassment. Many of the women who still perceive oral sex as something taboo, disgusting, and made uncomfortable. Seksologi experts say, many women are afraid to perform oral sex because they felt uncomfortable in the form of the body. Some women also fear their bodies out the smell was delicious.

4. High libido
Great partners in bed would be a dream of many women. But if the husband excessive sexual drive, can be overwhelmed his wife. Especially when the husband asked for sex timeless and tireless. This may be a punishment for a wife.

5. Trauma
Psychological trauma due to sexual experience was not pleasant in the past can make a woman being frigid or cold in bed. Can Penyebabkan forced sexual activity or had experienced sexual harassment. Trauma is often not visible from the outside. However, by identifying the subject of this trauma, the trauma can usually be eliminated. Ask the expert assistance to overcome the trauma.

6. Pain
Complaints of pain intercourse burning pain in the vaginal area (dyspareunia) would interrupt sex. The reason is the lack of lubrication in the vaginal area. To have sexual relations go smoothly, the husband must be smart in order to stimulate arousal wife so miss V mucus.

Kissing would be nice. That's when we feel so at one with your partner, able to feel the heartbeat and breathing bellows. Merging of the lips and tongue which we consider just happens when we missed the he, it has many meanings. You want to know the benefits of good for your body?

1. Kissing can push the immune system. A study reported in the journal Medical Hypotheses say that kissing a woman can enhance immunity from Cytomegalovirus. Cytomegalovirus (is part of the TORCH), is transmitted through mouth to mouth contact, can cause blindness in infants and other birth defects if the mother infected during pregnancy. However, this virus is not harmful to adults. Kissing has long predicted that the virus can continue, and strengthens the immune system.

2. Kissing help you choose the best man. How? Anthropolog Helen Fisher describes a kiss as "a man of assessment tools". Most of the outer layer of the brain is able to capture the sensation of around lips, cheeks, tongue, and nose. A total of 5 of the 12 cranial nerve head retrieve data from around the mouth, for the most sensitive feeling, either by way of taste, smell, and touch. When you kiss someone, do not you can see, feel, and listen to her feelings? So, kissing is not just a kiss. Kissing, according to Fisher, is an "ad" deep about who you are, what you want, and what you can give.

3. Kissing makes facial muscles remain strong. When considering fitness, flat stomach, firm and cellulite-free hip is always a major concern. But do not underestimate the training gained through the mouth kissing session. The researchers say that we use 30 muscles when kissing, and it makes her cheeks tight.

Here are a variety of natural materials useful to overcome the various complaints on the eyes. Some are based on the book Body Care and Traditional Medicine by R. Sartono.

Tired Eyes
Use avocado to cool and refresh tired eyes or swollen. Avocado useful because many contain vitamins A, C, E, iron, potassium, niacin, pantatenik acids, and proteins.

Here's how: Peel an avocado and cut into thin plate-like. Paste in the tired eyes or swollen, then let stand for 20 minutes. Clean the remaining avocado with cold water.

Tired eyes can also be overcome by rubbing ice cubes around his eyes for several minutes. This will restore the smooth circulation of blood and refresh the eyes.

Black Circles
Black circles problems that often appear under the eyes, can be treated with cucumber cheap and easily available. In this vegetable contains lots of minerals and water.

Here's how: Take a cucumber and thinly sliced. Use cucumber slices to compress the eye for 15 minutes.

Red Eye
Reddened eyes and fatigue can be overcome with the cooking water merambang with betel leaves.

Here's how: A handful of betel leaves and young stems and leaf stalks boiled in 3 cups water to boil. Once cool, use water rebusannya to merambang eyeball. Not bad in a way that water dripping on the eyes.

To overcome the red eyes from lack of sleep, do compress the eyes with water, black tea which has deposited a night.

Eye swelling
To eliminate swelling in the eye, can be tried at once soothing mask that contains the hazelnuts, roses or flowers of corn.

Eye wash
To clean the cloudy eyes, take a handful of jasmine flowers, and cleaned. Soak the jasmine flowers with a full glass of boiled water which was cold and let the night. The next day the water is filtered, then used to soak the seeds merambang or eyes.

Making Eye Ball Bening
1 teaspoon brewed with a glass of water. Leave overnight and the next morning the new strained. Use this water to wash the eyes with merambang eyes for 3-5 minutes. Initially it will feel sore, but slowly it will feel cold and eyes feels comfortable.

Many of the benefits we can get the dental hygiene habits and mouth, one of them is to keep the memory sharp. According to recent studies published in Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Pscychiatry.

According to experts, the pathogen that causes dental disorder called Porphyromonas gingivalis in large quantities in the mouth, especially in the elderly can cause memory problems. These pathogens can be removed if we are diligent in brushing your teeth twice a day and regular dental check to the doctor.

Dr. James M. Noble from Columbia College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York, USA, says, people with Porhyromonas gingivalis pathogen is well known susceptible to interference in the recall letter or number in the test memory skills.

In his study, Noble and his team perform tests on 2300 men and women aged 60 years or older who examined her teeth health and participated in various tests of memory ability in the National Health and Nutrition Survey III Examiniation conducted between 1991 and 1994.

In general, 5.7 percent of the elderly have difficulty in tests of memory and 6.5 percent failed the test addition and subtraction. The respondents who have the highest levels of pathogens (more than 119 units) of the most widely known to fail in the test.

Previously, scientists have linked the condition of teeth with various diseases, such as heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and Alzheimer's. Gum disease also affects the brain's ability to remember.

Routine foot not only provide positive benefits for our body. Apparently, this practice is also good for mental health. With time set aside for 30 minutes per day to walk leisurely, healthy cardiovascular organs, and the mood well kept.

According to experts, people who regularly walk will feel the following benefits:
- More confident
Get used to walk around the complex where we live. Bring your spouse or friend to accompany. Ambled will make us feel more comfortable and confident as they passed by a neighbor or someone else known. Awkward taste will disappear by itself.

- Faster recovery from illness
Many doctors recommend that people who were experiencing health problems for the diligent walk. Besides being the simplest form of exercise, walking can help restore the body's resistance.

- Not easy to stress
Problems in work and social life, very easy to light stress. We can suppress them by creating activities that can calm the emotions. The recommended one is to walk leisurely. So, if we have a regular walking schedule, we are experiencing stress may automatically shrink.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

THAT's the headline for the Victoria's Secret Fashion Show (VSFS) 2008 this year. Annual event dubbed as "the world's most celebrated fashion show" will be held on December 3, 2008 at Fountainebleau, Miami Beach, United States. VSFS broadcast by CBS television network was planned to show the Victoria's Secret (VS) Angels such as Heidi Klum, Adriana Lima, Marisa Miller, Alessandra Ambrosio, and many other top models.

It was here that will show a bra worth 5 million U.S. dollars of 3900 diamonds and rubies valued at 1500 carats! The model is wearing a lucky Adriana Lima. However, a bra that just launched in mid-October and it is not the most expensive bra ever displayed at this event. In VSFS 2005, Gisele Bundchen wearing a bra even worth 12.5 million U.S. dollars! VSFS not just a regular fashion show. Its main allure is in the VS Angels, the beautiful and sexy who waddle in the catwalk wearing the latest collection of VS. However, setting the stage, music, guest stars, and the show as a whole is packed with so spectacular, so very impressive.

Long time no play movies, actress Lucy Liu (40) appeared as a film producer. The film he was working on child trafficking. They will be employed as sex workers in Cambodia.

From the movie, Lucy Liu, who also was ambassador to Unicef, the conclusion was the struggle to combat human trafficking is still going to last long.
Lucy Liu is promoting the film "Red Light" in the arena Cairo International Film Festival in Cairo, Egypt, Wednesday (11/11). In addition to being a producer, she also gives the film's narrative.

"This will be a long time to combat human trafficking. Because human trafficking is the third ranked that produces big profits after trading weapons and drugs, "he said.

In collaboration with UNICEF, the star of the movie "Charlie's Angels" and "Kill Bill" is indeed working on several projects themed movies child trafficking. In Egypt, child trafficking also occurs, especially in the villages.

Egyptian government already has laws to protect children from child trafficking and set a minimum marriage age of 18 years. Mother of Egypt, Suzanne Mubarak, for example, has launched an initiative to combat human trafficking since 2006.

Happiness was complete supermodel Adriana Lima. Sunday (15/11) and then, their status changes to a mother after giving birth to her first child is female.

Delivered spokesperson, Victoria's Secret model gave birth at a hospital in New York. Adriana baby's condition and in perfect health. "Adriana and Marko (Jaric) was so happy when they announced that the child was a baby girl. Her name is Valentina Five Jaric," said spokeswoman Adriana told People.

Unfortunately, no detailed information related to weight and height of their first baby.

Marketing Director Victoria's Secret Ed Razek immediately congratulated when he heard the news. "Everyone at the Victoria's Secret very pleased at the presence of a small angel Adriana. I had a slightly joking way, asked him if he was willing to take part in the annual fashion show on Thursday nights this week and, for a moment, I think he'll take it! We wish good for him and hope all in good condition, "said Ed.

Adriana Lima and Marko Jaric had first met in 2006. Two years later, coinciding Adriana birthday is the 27th, on June 12, 2008, they were engaged. On Valentine's Day this year, they finally decided to get married in a closed party in the region Jackson Hole, Wyo. In May, Adriana announced her pregnancy.

American Institute for Cancer Research (AICR), recently issued a report updates the previous report that was launched in 2007. This report describes the relationship between lifestyle and risk of breast cancer. It is said that the body weight, regular physical activity, and reduction of alcohol intake is the foundation of your lifestyle to avoid breast cancer surveillance. There are many types of breast cancer, and there are many factors that can trigger breast cancer. However, a certain lifestyle can affect the results. Here's what you can do to reduce the risk of breast cancer.

Research in 2009 of breast cancer found in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute (JNCI) also said that as a weight-control measures, especially in reducing the risk of breast cancer. Excess body fat appears to increase the level of estrogen during menopause phase (which explains why breast cancer associated with estrogen-sensitive type). Increased body fat also leads to increased insulin and similar compounds growers factors insulin, which increases the risk of breast cancer, estrogen-negative type.

Physical activity
AICR report also states the relationship between regular physical activity with reduced risk of breast cancer during the menopause, and possibly before the menopause. In his analysis, the researchers found that the activity (exercise) physical for 2 hours per day can reduce the risk of breast cancer. Other reports also said that women who perform regular physical activity with high-intensity lower the risk of breast cancer in those who are not under active physically as much as 14-20 percent.

Physical activity is potentially protect themselves from breast cancer by strengthening the immune system, and reduce the levels of reproductive hormones and hormones related to insulin, and through their impact on body weight control. No denying that activity has a major impact, though how many and what types of activities that can provide optimal protection is also included in the count. Mild activity for at least 30 minutes per day is a public health recommendations.

Limiting alcohol intake
Not only the above two things, restrictions on alcohol intake is one step that can significantly reduce the risk of breast cancer, the type of pre-and post-menopausal. The combined research has consistently shown a 5-10 percent increase in risk of breast cancer with alcohol intake of the daily standard. For example, 340 ml or 142 ml of wine only considered dangerous enough. Another report from JNCI also said, that among women who entered menopause phase, those who have a habit of drinking alcohol showed a greater risk of breast cancer than those who did not drink it.

Important to find a fun place to work? People whose motivation is only a big salary or important position, perhaps he will rule out stress or a colleague who each dropped. But for most other people, to get a salary and the desired position, they must first obtain a pleasant working atmosphere to encourage their productivity.

In the book First, Break All the Rules, Marcus Buckingham and Curt Coffman expose what they are doing research with the Gallup Organization to find ways of assessing workplace that can attract and retain the most productive employees. They handed the 12 questions can be answered by readers. If the employee is generally answered "Yes", and feel happier at work, they tend to work in business units with the level of productivity, profit, the desire to survive, and higher satisfaction. This also shows the link between what employees feel, and how their performance.

Virtual shopping could mean better and more efficient. Moreover, the current number of pharmacies already provide tramadol for customers online purchases.But, as a buyer you should be careful. When ordering drugs from questionable sites, you may not get the drug approved POM, or even been contaminated.

To get the internet , ask for recommendations from your doctor or your insurance provider, or see if a pharmacy already has a subscription sites or online pharmacies.Or, open site for a list of drug stores online that have been registered by the National Association of Boards of pharmacies. If you find a site that has not known, make sure the site:

- Asking a doctor's prescription request. Sites that distribute drugs without requiring prescriptions should never be used - even though this site provides a 'cyber consultation'.

- Provide phone number, so you can talk directly to the pharmacist.

- There are security provisions. You can find these conditions easily.

- Promotion is not excessive. The reason is, if the promotion was too excited, this site could be bogus.

You can find more details on the health products L M N O who has health product data more than ten thousand products, ranging from drugs (hard drugs / pharmacy, the drug-only, drug-free), supplements & nutrition, traditional medicines and health equipment. If you want to buy cheaper drugs by the content / the same generic, you can check the online pharmacies MEDICAL MEDICAL through search engines.

You can also buy from our drug choices with a clear division of categories on the right side of this page, with product prices very competitive compared to other places, so you can buy quality but with cheaper prices.

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If you are still unemployed or are working but not at home working in a place that you can now search for jobs online through the website. Career on the site there are many jobs offered to the visitors from various fields of work.

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But be careful if you are with the number of people posing as job seekers and fool you. Some are just looking for sales to investors looking for forex, credit card sales, real estate associate marketing, mlm business money and other games that are sometimes only gives you the problem without providing an appropriate income.

Online job search site is very easy when we are in finding a job that we dream of, from fulltime, partime, so we'll get freelance on these sites. Looking for work for the freelancer one can use the job search sites (job board), in addition to using the freelance market that should do the auction (bidding) first. Difficult or easy is very relative, it all depends on your expertise in the approach, portfolio, expertise, honesty, trust, testimonials, prices, and time will be given to your prospective clients.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Sharon Osbourne finally realized his mistake and apologized via his Twitter account on Susan Boyle that he had despised by a radio station a few moments before. Sharon was deeply regret the stupidity of it.

3 November, Sharon Osbourne invited XM and Sirius radio in the event that emitted by satellite, he could say that Susan Boyle, a woman who could make Simon Cowell stunned, as a woman with a bad face.

After the show was over, Sharon realized that she had done something wrong and immediately wrote an apology via his Twitter account. "Susan Boyle is a good woman-friendly and I have used it to embarrass the good of him. I do not want to hurt her and I should apologize for making a cheap joke to use him," he said as quoted by Splash News.

Susan Boyle's name suddenly became the talk of the whole world when he made the jury the show Britain's Got Talent mesmerized by his voice when the song I Dreamed a Dream. In a short time audition video was endemic in the video site YouTube and lifting the name of this Scottish woman.

For the art, anything can be inspiring, even during the holidays. It has also experienced singer / songwriter Natasha Bedingfield. For her new album inspired Bedingfield claimed his trip to Jamaica.

Since the beginning of this year, Bedingfield was focused on the cultivation of a new album which was originally released in 2010 will be later. British singer 27-year-old is the younger brother Daniel Bedingfield.

As quoted by Splash News, Bedingfield says about her new album, "I'm working on a fresh rhythm and took everything as in a zig-zag shape. I've written a song with Kleerup, Wycleff, Salaam Remy, Ryan Teddder, Sia, Eg White, John Shanks , Danielle Brisebois and others. "

Viewed from there, the relevance of whether a community with PVI's character being the most important companies. Not that active and community-level network is not important. Both are still important, just not able to weigh the relevance of the weight portion of PVI. It could be a community of many members, the growth of the number of members also continue to increase. However, if you find that these communities do not have the same relevance we have no interest alias and the same values, then why should we join the community. We will also be difficult to accept members of other communities because there is no similarity.

The third criterion is basically done step by the company in exploring community has stood up. If you can not find the relevant community like this, in the end the company was always able to form their own community. Surely nature of community "by-design" like this from the beginning can be directed to a community that reflects the company's brand character, which consisted of people who have the same PVI is also in line with the company PVI and character.

By using some of the main criteria is you must find the suitability or fitness company with the right market segment. That is a short description of the legacy marketing targeting.

From the explanation above, was seen well that the practice of targeting is no longer relevant in this era of New Wave. Why? First, the most fundamental reason is because the principle of targeting is inconsistent with the horizontal value. Targeting is done step by the company. So, like, dislike, agree, disagree, anyone can become a company's target market.

Because the horizontal world, consumers and marketers to be parallel. Consumers do not (want to) again treated as a target for the target or object of marketing, but as subjects, as a human being with you, as an alias immuned creatures immune to shooting marketers.

Second, the early strategy steps undertaken by companies in the era of New Wave is no longer just mapping mensegmen or consumer groups (segmentation), but do practice komunitisasi (communitization). That means we do more exploration and review of the consumer community is invited if appropriate to connect the horizontal and strategic. Having seen the communities existing customers, the next step is to not confirming targeting.

As discussed previously in this column, in the era of 'legacy', the usual practice of segmentation done by the marketer is essentially an attempt to map segments of potential markets with characteristics similar behavior. After the segments in the identification, the next step is to evaluate and determine which segments will be served. This is called targeting or the process of selecting the right target market for your products and services.

Targeting is really a strategy the company to allocate resources effectively. Because your resources are always limited. It is about how you do 'fitting' into your company's target market segments that you choose.

Just a quick review of the concept of targeting, usually there are three criteria that must be met any other company when evaluating and determining which segments to target. The first is to ensure that the market segment that you choose a big enough and quite profitable for the company. Also also seen how the potential for market growth. Perhaps a current market there is little in terms of size, but the rapid growth so that the front has the potential to become a big market.

The second criterion is this targeting strategy should be based on competitive advantage the company concerned. Competitive advantage is a way to measure whether the company has the strength and skills are sufficient to dominate the market segment chosen.

The skin on the lips is thinner than other facial parts. However, the skin on the lips are often exposed to high humidity from the breath and light exposure. Drinking water in sufficient quantities to the body is one way to prevent skin dryness. However, equally important is the selection of products used in the lips, because one can choose to add dry lips. Here's a guide:

Materials to be sought in the product for the lips
Find products lip balm or lip gloss with shea butter content material or beeswax. Both would be good enough to coat the mouth that can keep the humidity as it reduces fluid loss and trans-epidermal skin mengelupasnya. Petroleum oils used as base material lip gloss. In addition, olive oil, vegetable oil, cocoa butter, and lanolin are also often used in products for the lips. Vitamin E and other nutrients is also a good addition to the lips.

Materials to be avoided
Alcohol, because it can make skin dry. Several matte lipsticks contain this material. Besides menthol and camphor (Camphor) can also make the lips dry added. Although at first it will feel nice and cool on the lips, but over time it will make dry lips.

To overcome the skin dry lips
One way to overcome the peeling skin on the lips is to mengeksfoliasinya. Way, as will washing your face, add a little sugar in the liquid cleanser, then rub it gently on the lips. Unlike the salt, sugar scrub is a natural material that will not make skin dry.
Another way, by rubbing the lips with a gentle toothpaste. But do not use toothpaste that contains mint because it makes the skin dry. Take a little toothpaste, rub-rubbed on the lips to dry skin flaking.

Hot and dry weather is one of the causes of dry skin, even to make the skin hurt. However, not only are the dry air causes dry skin and cracked. There are other things more. What?

Bath with hot water
Our skin produces oil layer at the top for protection. When one bath too long or exposed to hot water for too long, this protective oil is slowly but surely be eroded. No wonder after a long bath, your skin feels tight and dry. You can do is to not choose bath. So that no dry skin, try to shower quickly and avoid using hot water, cold water should not, but the water should be lukewarm. After the bath tap-tap enough towels in the body, do not rub-rub. Immediately apply moisturizer.

One soap
One cause of dry skin is soap. Soap can quickly and easily stripped off layers of oil on your skin. Without realizing it, we often rub the body vigorously with soap and harsh, when in fact our bodies are not too dirty or sweaty.

One of the dilemmas of soap is small since we are required to wash hands frequently to avoid germs. Meanwhile, washing hands can make the skin become more dry, and for certain cases, wounds and bleeding and cause infection. Rough feeling on the skin after a bath is really dry skin upholstery has eroded oil.

Itchy clothing
Some types of clothing can make the skin itch, for example a shaggy sweater or wool. When you first try it was itching, then maybe the future will continue to make the skin itch. Because it should never wear again. Dry skin will become irritated when in contact with material like this. Leaving your skin exposed to the material uncomfortable clothes will only make your skin more dry and itchy. Avoid fabrics that can be itchy or too tight, because the seams can rub against your skin.

Medical condition
Generally, dry skin caused by external factors. But sometimes, dry skin can be a sign things are not healthy on the inside of the body, whether physical or natural conditions of a disease. For example, dry skin often occurs when a person gets older, particularly women, is caused by changes in hormone levels. As many as 75 percent of people aged over 64 years have dry skin. While some people again, regardless of age, have a tendency to be genetically dry skin.

Lots of advice about diet. However, one undeniable fact, we eat too much. Currently, at least two-thirds of American adults have the condition of obesity. If averaged, then the body weight of men and women currently increasing about 8 kg (18 pounds) weight than the average man in the 1970s. In the meantime, part of the brain that regulates hunger, the hypothalamus has not evolved since 30 years ago. So, it was clear that this related to our intake. In order not to increase again, you can try to do the following things to control your appetite.

1. Give "rating" of hunger
Before you chew or put something in his mouth, gave ratings of how you feel in your stomach on a scale of 1 to 5. Score 1 for very hungry, and 5 for satiety. When you reach the number rating 4-5, meaning you will not come from physical and need to eat so you need to probe more what makes you want to eat. The most common reasons for eating while on the 4-5 rating is because of boredom or stress. Way to overcome such as by conducting activities that do not relate to the activities of eating, for example, mingle with friends, a walk, or reading.

2. Think about what you eat
External stimuli are often disturbing when we were eating. These disturbances often make us eat without thinking how much we eat. An experiment conducted by Brian Wansink, author of Eating Bye Bye Na, who performed at the Laboratory of Cornell University Food and Brand confirm this. The researchers asked the subjects to eat soup from a bowl that was given filler pipe on the bottom. During their dinner, keep the bowl filled with soup from the bottom without their knowledge. The result, they are able to eat foods 73 percent more than those who ate from regular bowls. This means: eating enough needed attention, planning, and the ability to hold back.

3. Alert triggers
In his latest book, The End of overeating, the former head of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), David Kessler, theorized that we eat when not hungry because the combination of fat, sugar, and salt contained in the snack is difficult for us to reject. The more food we eat, the more dopamine (the neurotransmitter associated with pleasure) that produced our brains, the more we consume. Over time, the mere sight or smell of certain foods, it is enough to make your brain active part of our satisfaction.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Although this resembles the E75 phone is not a cheap version or generation of the E series. Nokia 5730xm apparently derived from the well elaborated 5320xm smartphone functionality with multimedia facilities. As mobile phones musical family in general, have a 5730xm music dedicated key that line the hallway on the left side of the screen.

Nokia 5730xm the test signal is red. Actual body is predominantly black 5730xm. Red is to distinguish with other variants 5730xm will reportedly present in the choice of monochrome, blue and pink. Like the red, all present 5730xm with a black domination.

As a member of a family of music mobile phones casing comes with brightly accented, but cheerful in the dominant 5730xm not made for a solid body also suggests an elegant side. Premium aura would you feel in addition to the bandaged body metal crystal accents.

Carport can be designed together with the park. Vines provide beautiful atmosphere in the facade of the house.

Carport design should not "menyempal" from the concept of home architecture. One option that can be done is to make the design as if a part of the surrounding park.

An example of this is the carport, which uses the framework of the roof of the white-painted iron. Designed without a lining, the roof was impressive natural; fit with the overall impression of the home country. Shade during the day, a little wet in the rain. Selected frame with curved design. Curve peaks reached 2.7 m from the floor. As the shade is a Passiflora vine red type.

Natural roof structure is supported by three pillars supporting the right side. Each pole was given additional iron rod as propagation toward the roof. On the left side, riding on the roof of the porch columns and a single pole. This pole was right behind the fence columns.

Carport side of the tub is surrounded by a planted sepatuphilum. Coated planter natural stone to blend with the floor looks carport.

Floor carport designed simple enough, a stone is not polished. The result is rough on the feet. The center of the carport, which is not a tire track, made deeper and filled with coral. Floors are made crooked about 5cm from the driveway in front of him.

Size limited disiasati carport with appropriate selection of the fence. White fence, minimal details of the selected iron boxes of dimension 1.5 cmx1, 5cm. Part of the gate only 100cm tall with each 140cm wide door. Ditumpu gate 115cm tall concrete columns on both sides. Looks unsightly, is not it?

Thursday, November 5, 2009

keyboard and mouse devices in one package that brings Microsoft's attempt to name Wireless Desktop 3000. Keyboard and mouse is black with glossy motifs in some areas to add an elegant appearance.

To support the physical, keybooard technology has been equipped with anti-dust and anti-water to prevent dust and water splashes into the keypad. The buttons are supplied complete with 21 keys useful hotkeys for functions such as the Home button shortcut, Chat, Skype and Email buttons. In the second section there are six buttons useful as a Media Player button which can also be used to zoom-in on photos and documents.

Its own mouse using the BlueTrack sensor technology. Indeed what is excess? Advantages of this sensor, which can be used in almost every surface without mouse pad. InfoKomputer even tried it on the surface of the mattress, and still work comfortably.

Docking for hard disk 2.5 "/ 3.5" offers easy with the disk release button (eject). So the process of disposing the drive to be more gentle. This is not InfoKomputer encountered in other similar products, which are sometimes difficult for us in removing hard drives from docking.

Form a similar docking toaster is pretty sweet paired with your PC. In the package had included a variety of electrical outlet adapter for easy docking was used in many countries the electrical connector is different.

As an indicator of data activity placed considerable light on the front. This lamp is the eject button mentioned above. Freecom seems deliberately to make it practical docking.

Use of dock for access to a desktop hard drive is becoming more practical with this product from Freecom. You can make tools for data backup and recovery. They are often dealing with a lot of hard drive (check the data, viruses, set up the system) would be helped by this device. If the USB 2.0 connection offers not soon enough, just use the eSATA connection offers maximum data transfer up to 3Gbps.

Perhaps as we know the process of backup data from computer "always" use an external hard drive as a backup storage media. Well, considering storage technologies continue to evolve, the use of USB flash disk as a backup storage slowly began to be applied.

Corsair was deliberately create a unique docking to receive a USB flash disk for backups. Voyager port name. What drew these products compared to our direct backup (from a USB flash disk into the USB port on a PC)?

Docking of the Corsair is about the size of a stopwatch with a rounded shape. Most of the bodies Voyager Port made from plastic and rubber materials and held him steady footing, similar to the range of USB products Corsair Voyager flash drive is quite popular.

At the top there is a USB port docking makes USB flash disk will be up when plugged vertically. A Corsair logo is the front for the backup / restore quickly which is active when we are trying to install a program that included NovaBackup.

Lien. That woman is now a concern that was called. Identity he recorded in a recording engineering leadership to criminalize the Commission. In fact, several times Lien profiteer SBY name. He was also very impressed by the premises Deputy Attorney General Abdul Hakim Ritonga.

Either the full name of Lien. On the tape, did not sound full name Lien. However, there are those who suspect Lien full name Yulia Ong Gunawan. But, if the Lien was named full Yuliana Ong Gunawan, is unclear.

From the transcript of the tape intercepts the Commission circulated among journalists, Lien said that SBY supports Abdul Hakim Ritonga. "Pokoke saiki (just now) Mr. SBY support. SBY was supported Ritonga lo," Lien said while talking to Anggodo Widjojo.

Widjojo is Anggodo fugitive brother Anggoro Widjojo Commission. Anggodolah who lobbied officials to help Anggoro Attorney who tripped PT Masaro corruption case that was handled Radiokom Commission. Anggodo give money to Ari Muladi to be given to the person at the Commission. However, the money somewhere, because Ari that he did not give directly to the leadership of the Commission.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Not wrong if you think that this phone is the Nokia 2330 classic, or even difficult to distinguish the two. According to the signal, one call like this will always happen on both phones that do have many similarities. Just trimmed the camera facility at 2323c. This is quite unfortunate because the functions that can be inserted phonebooknya photographs.

Fortunately the radio facility is still maintained. To plug a headset is required to play it first, so do not forget to always carry a headset if you want to be entertained by the still poor mobile multimedia features of this.

Actually is also a music player. Unfortunately there is no additional memory slot, while the internal memory is only 32MB at least just enough to accommodate about 10 songs MP3 format. That is, if not planted the applications or additional games.

Opera Software just released the latest generation of mobile browsers, Opera Mobile beta 10, for Nokia and other handset Symbian/S60. This good news has been long awaited by users who use the Opera Mobile Nokia and other Symbian-based phones in Indonesia.

Slim design that had previously been introduced by the release of Opera Mini Opera 5 beta some time ago, can now be enjoyed on the Opera Mobile beta 10. Nuance is also introducing new speed dial, tabbed browsing and password manager that makes it comfortable to use.

Opera Mobile beta 10 is optimized for both touchscreen and mobile phone using navigation buttons, and available for smartphone Nokia, Sony Ericsson and Samsung to Symbian/S60, 3rd and 5th editions.

This beta version is an attempt to expand so that users can get a web experiences from your desktop computer on the phone, so it can navigate the Web without any limitations, anytime, and anywhere. Whatever the device used, Opera provides experience surfing the web faster and much easier.

Following the release of the latest operating system Widows 7, Microsoft released a number of devices supporting the latest hardware in the form of a keyboard, mouse, and webcam. The launch took place simultaneously with the start of the 2009 exhibition IndoComtech held at Jakarta Convention Center, Wednesday (4 / 11).

In the launch of Microsoft, Marketing Communications & Partnership Manager Ian Tan Kartono mention some new hardware products, among them the Wireless Comfort 5000, Bluetooth Mobile Keyboard 6000, LifeCam Cinema, and the Wireless Mobile Mouse 4000. Overall support new features in Windows 7.

Wireless Comfort Destkop 5000, clearly Tan, a keyboard and mouse combo with a comfort curve design keys that give comfort to the user when typing. As for, he added, this keyboard is equipped with the Taskbar Favorites for Windows 7 that allows users to access programs that are opened in the Windows Taskbar.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Does Taylor Lautner really was dating Taylor Swift? Rumor pushed back. The reason, Sunday (25/10) and, Lautner and Swift look both hockey game in Los Angeles.

Lautner and Swift is the main partner in the film VALENTINE'S DAY. Maybe it was their closeness that led to their appointments game between the Columbus Blue Jackets and Los Angeles Kings at Staples Center was.

Sunday morning, chanter Love Story was picked Lautner at Los Angeles airport before leaving the game. Lautner himself flew from Vancouver, Canada, where he had to shoot a third movie TWILIGHT, ECLIPSE.

Reporting from ShowbizSpy, after the game ended, Swift and Lautner seen in the lobby of the hotel in Beverly Hills.

"Taylor Swift look very pretty," said one eyewitness. "He did not appear disturbed by the sight of people. However, Taylor Lautner hide hoody wearing."

Forbidden to appear on television was not making an ad fame starring Agent Provocateur Kylie Minogue to be smeared. The proof, this ad was still capable of being the best advertising on the Internet shifts the other ads that actually has potential. On YouTube alone, the ad has been accessed 350 million times.

When you first appeared, the ad duration of about 1 minute 35 seconds it had banned live on television because it was considered too 'hot'. In a video that promotes the production of underwear that Agent Provocateur, Kylie was seen only in his underwear alone while riding bucking Bronco.

Located just below this ad is an ad starring Ronaldinho and recorded accessed 300 million people. According to ContactMusic, the data collected was recorded ten GoViral large Internet advertising more accessible to people so far

Robert Pattinson revealed when he and Kristen Stewart is a friend. TWILIGHT actor insisted he was only good friends, and regard it as a young actress who is best, according to media reports, Tuesday (3 / 11).

Stewart even more firmly again, and told the media, "What a fool! We are a character in this comic book."

And Pattinson is shy and not known before the film debuted in TWILIGHT two years ago, felt all the attention that tormented him.

"I think, I'm not the type that can be dictated to do something," said the actor's 23-year-old, who showed reluctance to the crowd of reporters and paparazzi in particular worries take pictures.

However TWILIGHT director, Catherine Hardwicke explained that his new star was not shy during the filming process. At night, he recalled the young actor was always drunk and often entertaining playmate to play guitar.

About the dynamics of Stewart-Pattinson, Hardwicke says, "What Rob and Kristen have is a lot of feelings between each other. The appeal of a strong and complicated."

Connection story TWILIGHT SAGA, NEW MOON, will be present at the theater on November 20.

Ashley Greene admitted if she sometimes felt so bad. TWILIGHT stars 22-year-old is telling if he was uncomfortable with herself.

"Sometimes I wake up and I was not pretty," said the actress was in the British magazine, Fabulous. "No one is perfect, everyone would feel safe."

"Exercise a little help. Sometimes, being outdoors and fresh air can help you focus on everything around you and not think about yourself," she added as quoted from ShowbizSpy.

Of course you already know how to maintain hygiene and dental health. Cleaning between your teeth using dental floss, brush my teeth with toothpaste that match your dental health, and gargling with mouthwash. To protect teeth from plaque that causes tooth stained, you can also chew gum containing xylitol (sugar free). Using glossy lipstick in a color that will brighten your teeth look. Orange-colored lipstick tends to highlight the yellow teeth. Give highlight the cheekbones with bronzer to make gold teeth look whiter.

In terms of food, fruits such as apple crisp and the carrots will activate the flow of saliva in the mouth, and clean teeth naturally. Other healthy snacks such as celery, oranges, broccoli, and cheese, giving the same effect because they encourage saliva production, which will wash away plaque.

Strawberry also can help whiten teeth, because of this delicious fruit is a key ingredient for tooth whitening procedures that can be done alone at home. All you need is a piece of ripe strawberries, and 1 / 2 teaspoon baking soda. Squeeze the pulp strawberry so that, mixed with baking soda. Balurkan to all teeth with a toothbrush, and let stand for 5 minutes. Do it for 2 times a week (no more). Strawberry combined with soda will be pengilat natural teeth, thus preventing discoloration of teeth.

Basically, the baby's skin and the skin of adults have the same pH levels, namely 5.5. However, both types of skin have different levels of water and oil levels. The difference is what causes the need for skin care products differently. Special lotion for baby's skin can also moisturize adults. However, at the age of 35 years, water content and oil content in the skin tends to decrease. So, you need moisturizer for the skin that contain adult material will have more skin moisture content increases. Well, who can maintain adequate levels of oil, in order to avoid skin dryness due to water loss.

By understanding the difference between baby's skin and the skin today, we must become more intelligent in choosing the right treatment.

According to statistics, the number of women more than men. Because the demands of your lifestyle and the desire to actualize themselves, women also choose to work. They have their own income, even some single women also have the courage to buy a house in his own name.

Man, was very fond of an independent woman like this. But, make no mistake, the cause is not because men support women's emancipation or independence. Everything is still seen from the ego of a man. Like what?

1. Men can also matre. If you can share your food bill at a fancy restaurant that just opened it, it means he can spend more money to play billiards and drinking beer with my friends, buying new gadgets, gadget, or modify his car. There were even men who deliberately seek a lover who has a higher position, or come from a family in, which usually does not shrink from spoiling.

2. More opportunities for socializing. Not all men have a female friend, lover, or wife; but most know what the benefits have so couples trying to get it. Job demands that require more men in the office caused him to lose the opportunity to meet new friends or a girlfriend outside the work environment. However, if the office worker hiring enough, surely he could wash the eyes without going all the way from the office.

3. Men like the mess and smell. Office smell cigarette smoke, dishes to eat and drink is left sprawled on the floor. Fellow men would not mind this. If any objections, of course not be expressed. Unlike the case if there is a female colleague. Of this we-we told him to clean the noisy room. Men need a force like that. Or better yet, can tempt you to tidy up the goods.

4. Women working smarter dress. Even clothing was a trend office itself. Whether it's pencil skirt, peep-toe heels, stockings, scarves, and so forth. The man was enjoying the scenery and fragrant Resik all this. The same could not be found by a man whose wife does not work, which appear daily without makeup. His clothes were, at best, a T-shirt and shorts worn, and a new dress if you will travel.

5. Pay its own. Men are often shown being fought to pay the bill after a drink or food hangouts. But inwardly, they are grateful for the presence of co-workers who can afford to pay her own food. So was what happened when the first date with a woman. Paying separately can reduce the tension on duty who should pay, and make both sides more enjoy a date.

6. Ordinary working women living alone. At least they were boarding or renting with friends, so he feels more free to see. They do not feel no burden when you drive home late at night, no need to say goodbye to your parents, and certainly can act like in their own homes.

Thinking positively enormous benefits in everyday life. No exception in matters of romance. Do not always think you are the unfortunate world that was not addressed by the lover. Therefore, it could be an advantage for you.

Boyfriend rarely visited
Blessing: You have more time for yourself.
Many women complain about the couple who over-possessive and does not give space to herself. Going out with friends, should report this since two weeks earlier. That was not necessarily given permission. Want to go window shopping or take it easy in the spa, the pouting because he felt dicuekin. Reflecting on these experiences, you are so grateful for choosing to have plenty of time to pamper yourself, right?

The he never Transfer
Blessing: You have a lot of stories that can be shared when they met him.
Commitment to dating does not always hand in hand with a commitment to deliver pick up, you know. If you are always demanding things from him, then you treat your lover is like a taxi driver. What's wrong with going home alone, if it's way more practical for you both? In fact, when he met the later, you will not run out of conversation because of the many stories that have not been told.

Work, work, work solely ...!
Blessing: His career added-established.
Invited to a concert at the weekend, he could not because he was out of town assignment. It was so, he also diligently working late, so hard to get a date after work. Who would not be upset? But do not trigger tantrums. If the causes are matters of work, a sense-think you do not need prolonged irritation. Because, it just shows that the he had committed to achieving success. If the lovers getting established in your career, you are also not that happy?

Couple cool looking
Blessing: The fewer people who will take it from you.
He was lazy to follow the prevailing trend at the moment? Or, lazy to go to the gym to form a six pack body like his friends? If so, not yet an all-out protest. Because the level of "coquetry"-looking man in a lot were also reflects how much atensinya the opposite sex. Included, too, affect how many other women who want to take it from your hand, right?

The he rarely praised
Blessing: You are encouraged to continue to excel.
Lover did not utter praise when you succeed superlezat cooking brownies? He also does not give a kind word when you look so pretty in her elegant ball gown? Naturally it when you feel neglected by him. . For example, in addition to brownies, you also learn to cook a favored Pepes know lover and a variety of other dishes. No harm is also experimenting with makeup so you look more chic.

He was surrounded by many women
Blessing: It means you are the best among them.
Seeing a lover so popular among womenfolk sometimes it can make our hearts excited. Especially when the "groupies" that surrounded it have a face and the appearance of thin disparate with the models in the fashion pages. Actually, the fact that the he has chosen you among the many women who surround it already shows that you are the best of them all, you know.

Monday, November 2, 2009

When you create MP3 files from CD, the resulting file name is often perfunctory. Usually, only the name of "track" plus serial number songs in the CD. Well, it fits MP3 playing, the playlist in Winamp will display the file name. Lah, how to know the title of the song? Do you have to turn first to know the title song as singer?

Playlist in Winamp so neat, here PCplus you know how.
1. Open Windows Explorer and go to the folder where you save the MP3 file. In order to look neat, rename the file with the format "artist name - song title". Example: "Dream Theater - Another Day".

2. After you finish changing the name of the file, open Winamp. Run MP3 files whose names have been changed earlier. In the "Playlist Editor", right click on one playlist, then select [View File Info]. After the window "MPEG file info + ID3 tag editor" is open, you can fill in the information in the form of a song title, artist, album, and others. If you want concise, the content of the song titles (Title) and artist (Artist) only. Other data emptied. Choose one of [ID3v1 Tag] or [ID3v2 Tag]. If a long song titles, use ID3v2. To be neat, equate data filled in (the title and artist name) with information on the MP3 file in question. After the data needed filled, click [Update].

Winamp has a feature to varying audio formats, including MP3 a WAV change. Why even be WAV MP3? Start editing purposes, sometimes we need a WAV format.
Well, make WAV from MP3 just need a little configuration. Here's the configuration.

1. Run Winamp and remove the "Winamp Preferences" by pressing the [Ctrl] + [P] on the keyboard.
2. Click on [Plug-ins] in the menu to the right. Tampillah some plugins that have been terbundel with Winamp. There are 2 plugins that will be used, namely output and waveOut Nullsoft Disk Writer plugin.
3. Choose [waveOut output] and click the [Configure]. After the box "settings waveOut" appears, select the devices to be used in the "Device" and then check the [Alt]. Activate "method (slow)" to take place during the conversion process can voice heard. Save the settings and close this box by clicking the [OK].
4. Next we specify the location where the converted files. Click [Nullsoft Disk Writer] and click the back button [Configure]. Select the storage location by clicking the [output directory]. Enable [Kill null samples at the beginning] to empty at the beginning of the sound is not included. Save the settings and close this box by clicking the [OK].
5. Configuration has been completed. Window "Winamp Preferences" can be closed. Click the [Close].

1. Enter all the formats MP3 files you want to change to the Winamp playlist. Click the [Play] to play the songs and start the conversion process.
2. After all files have been played out, open the Windows Explorer window. Check the results in folders that you specify.

In Zenni online store there are so many online shopping center on internet that very useful for you who have no time to shopping and having . One of the online shopping center that provide various eyeglasses is Zenni Optical, this online shop has and so many eyeglasses with different style and various price. begin from the cheap but have enough quality till the expensive but you will get the benefit of having such eyeglasses. here you will also find that perhaps will be useful whenever you go out and enjoy your holiday at weekend.

If you visit on this site. Zenni Optical is one of in the world, there are so many product that available here and with many different use of your favorite. beside you will get many benefit from this online shop you will also get for extra purchasing without more charge for your pocket of course. If you get interested in you can visit this site directly and watch around about all eyeglasses that may be suitable for you and your family.