Friday, July 30, 2010

Mayonnaise and Chutney Chicken

Mayonnaise and chutney may sound like an unusual combination for a chicken casserole, but this saucy, flavoursome dish is much-loved in South Africa. It never fails to increase the appetite of your guests, who will invariably ask for more chicken, or, as we say in Afrikaans, "vra na meer hoender".

Serves 4 to 6


•6 to 8 chicken portions, or a whole chicken (the cooking time will be longer)

•1 onion, finely chopped

•2 cloves of chopped garlic

•1 teaspoon Worcester sauce

•¾ to 1 cup chutney

•½ cup mayonnaise

•¼ cup water

•Salt and freshly ground black pepper

Original recipe:

•6 to 8 chicken portions

•1 packet brown onion soup powder or 1 onion, chopped

•1 cup boiling water

•1 cup chutney

•1 cup mayonnaise

•Salt and pepper


1.Pre-heat oven to 160°C

2.Season the chicken with salt and pepper and put in oven-proof casserole dish.

3.If using a fresh onion, sauté gently for 10 to 15 minutes until the onions are soft and has a golden colour. Do not burn it. Add ¼ cup water, chopped garlic and Worcester sauce.

4.If using onion soup powder, mix soup powder and boiling water.

5.Mix onion with chutney and mayonnaise, and pour sauce over chicken.

6.Cover casserole dish and bake in oven at 160°C for 1½ hours if you used chicken portions, or 2 to 2 ½ hours if it's a whole chicken.

Serve with rice and fresh, mixed salad.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Clever old Bastard

An elderly man in Limpopo had owned a large farm for several years. He had a large pond in the back. It was properly shaped for swimming, so he fixed it up nice with picnic tables, horseshoe courts, and some apple, and peach trees.


One evening the old farmer decided to go down to the pond, as he hadn't been there for a while. He grabbed a five-gallon bucket to bring back some fruit. As he neared the pond, he heard voices shouting and laughing with glee. As he came closer, he saw it was a bunch of young women skinny-dipping in his pond.


He made the women aware of his presence and they all went to the deep end. One of the women shouted to him, 'we're not coming out until you leave!' The old man frowned, 'I didn't come down here to watch you ladies swim naked or make you get out of the pond naked.' Holding the bucket up he said, 'I'm here to feed the crocodile.'


Some old men can still think fast!
Now that's smart real smart

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Big breasts is every woman's dream tipsnya following tips. The first powerful tips to enlarge your breast size is a special method, which is both effective ways to grow your breast size with implants, the third trick would tighten and enlarge your breasts as you wish. both good and read the following article

Breast enlargement is the crown of a woman who had long since become "hot issue" in the medical world. We need to know that the breast consists of fatty tissue, milk glands and channels. Otot2 its buffer at the top we call the pectoralis. Exercise therapy to strengthen muscles while we know so impressed drawn breasts on top and feel the breast becomes hard and does not hang.
To enlarge the breasts, so far as we know it is a solid silicone implant into the breast. However, in practice in Indonesia, especially, are often much beauty salon that inject liquid silicone. It is very dangerous. For that, I suggest we all do not be tempted by cheap prices just for the two fruits word "beauty and the beauty." Because the price paid is very expensive, could become even cause cancerous tissue destruction and death.

For cream products that you mentioned, frankly this is the first time I heard it. I tried to listen deep into the workings of you describe. Not only in terms of medical, in terms of logic alone is not reasonable. How do only with a topical cream and fat tissue can change places? This course is ridiculous and silly impressed. Semi-solid fat is not a form of tissue fluid. Operation suck fat alone is already operating such a difficult and often fatal complications of fat emboli into the bloodstream. How do only with a topical cream, we can move the place of deposit of fat in other areas to be dumped in the breast? Of course very unreasonable.

However, remain open minded and not rule, there is a specific mechanism we do not know. Because it is still a lot in this world that we have not seen, and it was there where the beauty and interesting world. If no member of us who've bought and tried this product, may be sharing in this forum. Because I myself became intrigued with the ways of working in the "claim" by the factory.

Maybe a big penis can make you more confident in having sex with your partner or your wife at home. therefore, let's learn and I will explain several ways to enlarge your penis correctly. I said the following will be some interesting tips to enlarge your penis with the inflated costs, or a way to increase your penis size and great length, and not miss a trick too splashy enlarge your penis with massages sweeping okay then

Here are some tips that you can hold before you decide to enlarge your bird:

Choose the method that does not disturb you sexual life. You might get a big bird but will not be any good if your partner's fear of seeing the bird and your sex life suffers. Embed this in yourself that your efforts are aimed at increasing the genitals for sexual intercourse and not for mere display.

Be careful of scams are rife lately. Choose the method that results in accordance with the money you spend. Nothing wrong with listening to your testimony your friends associated with that method would you choose. Remember that the penis enlargement methods require a large fee so you should wisely decide.

Choose the method more muscular penis muscles when compared with the instant method to install the tool on the penis or with drugs. Remember penis enlargement takes time and it is very demanding your patience.

Join the forum forum that has the same interest with you so that you can read testimonies or experiences from those who've tried several methods.

Last but not least important is to keep your penis health with how to keep it clean so that even if you later fail to do penis enlargement but you still have a healthy penis.

Many ways to be made to include women orgasm fast with a variety of unique and creative positions. I will review the following tips for women fast orgasms steadily over time, so that couples can quickly repeated orgasm, make your wife an orgasm in a row at home, and many others such a good position and ideal position for rapid female orgasm, and tips so you can pair up to maximum orgasm. was okay then

Supine position

Generally supine position, also called the "Bee sari picking flowers." This position backs women while men have to bear in both elbows and lututnya.Si woman then pulled both legs up to knees and close to his ear. This position will develop and provide tancapan vulna that in, so will memcapai climax.

POSITION sleep on their side

Practice this position, she had to restrain her legs, so the thighs are in the corner, perpendicular to the body. While men tudur sideways position directly behind the woman. Variations on these positions will give the impression to relax with a light movement. When a man is a woman on the left hand, then placed her left leg above the foot of men. This position is done mostly to the relationship after orgasm.


Women sat on the edge bed swinging legs, while men stood in front. This position can be adjusted according to taste. The advantage of this position, when a woman leaning on both hands and pushing his vital parts will feel the titillation of pleasure. Unfortunately at this position is not profitable men, the article to have an orgasm in a standing position is generally not preferred by males.


This position he should be upright in both hands. He must know when to press. With repetitive motion will produce a pro. But this variation will provide the man's insistence on the abdomen and pelvis muscles. To reach peak enjoyment plus, the woman's legs can be lowered position with his legs crossed through the man's waist, so she can lock, tighten the muscles of arms uses her feet. In this position could also prolong sex.


This game should be done in front of the mirror, the article reflected the image will produce a new dimension to sexual stimulation. The way he sat in a chair who was not armed, as she sat opposite lap. To regulate the movement of fine woman clung to his body as well as regulate its movement. The tasks of a man just caress and tenderly kissed her partner. One of the advantages in this position is that both can see their respective reactions in the mirror.


This position is more easily done, because the couple will live squat copulated to face each other. Squatting position must be such so that their genitals together. With the regular movement and directed the man then slipped "gigantic missiles" into the hole pair copulations.


Men sat on the floor facing the woman with leg stuck under the chair where she sat, then the man offered his hand pulled her from her seat slowly, so the fall in such a manner. The woman can rely on the chair and propped himself on his hands and elbows. women can also heightens orgasm and lowered position in which reciprocal.


Couple man and woman sit facing each other and hugged each other aided by the foot. Movement is made very slowly and rhythmically, swaying forward and backward, resulting in enjoyment. This position is spelled out witty and couples have to really seriously to hold the cross beam prior to this position lasted five minutes. If during orgasm in this position, should the man pulled her closer, so the body attached to each other.


Place the pillow just below the hips of women, in the supine position was that it formed a V bottom and out the alphabet. Sexual contact would be maximized. If you want to add to the enjoyment of the bottom cushion can be pulled over the buttocks, so that the angle V will change

curved upward and into. This will make the appropriate position opposite sex woman male sex organs. This position is ideal for women who are slightly overweight or short vital sized man.


The man folded his legs at the knee, but both ends of the legs still stepping on the bed while she put herself above both his thigh and had to support herself on her hands and knees. After that the woman lying face down on a man's body. In this position, more romantic, because the woman can caress and kiss her partner.

POSITION crossed

In this position copulate couples sit together diranjang. Woman sitting on man's feet. Stretched their legs so the feet of the men were under the feet of the woman. Then the woman's legs to the stomach he emphasized that "the key to find the hole gate heritage." With key shuttle in and out of their inheritance can be pleasure palace gates.

POSITION opposite direction

This position is the most relaxed, articles in the man's head is above the woman's legs. The couple can see each other an intimate partner's organs. Movement in this direction opposite position is the man with his back tightened and loosened, giving the movement up and down the flexible in women that encourages the achievement of extraordinary pleasure. To achieve more pleasure, she must lower her body back slowly so that he lay between his legs.

Sex was successively needs that can not be dammed by sex because it lets do it the right way in order to satisfy the wife diranjang. any way related agencies vary. The following interesting tips about sex style. and tips for the perfect kinds of different styles of sex and style in extreme sex and stimulate

Dynamic and flexible style is one of the keys that can be made in conducting a relationship with your spouse then with an increasing number of styles that you mastered the enjoyment and harmony of the household will probably be something boring and make something that becomes feasible to always awaited throughout the night. therefore, let us discuss one by one force that can be done when having sex.

The first is to use the butterfly style bow this force can be used when you perform the movement suddenly with an attack wing of the sideline with the results obtained it can be maximized. This style can create an incomparable pleasure that you have not experienced before and therefore try to try to throw if you throw a mangosteen mangosteen surely then you'll get rich mango song cucak Rowo.

the second is redeeming the backstroke is above your means and your spouse are under such titles warkop top movie titles may be taxable under backward or forward may be taxable or behind the front could be important to laugh and can satisfy an intimate partner while in bed there, the mountain here amid the mountains of Java island. who wrote that read confused more than anything else. we hope you are not dizzy when reading this article understand that his time writing destitute because of the cafe.

This latter is the breaststroke. is the breaststroke is pinning MR. P with big boobs and seductive on stage this time I tried to write very seriously so your readers feel comforted but remember you must be careful so that the below will not wake up and therefore should not read too much in this paper is just paper writing Headlines kok any judulan title. and we hope to satisfy your wife at home

everyone would want to get a pretty girl there some simple ways to mndapatkan beautiful and sexy girlfriend or easy way to seduce a girl to want to be boyfriend and girl teasing tricks sniper street. all that can be done with creative tips acquaintance with a beautiful and voluptuous women following

There are a few tips for loe all the guys who used to feel bad or make ngedapetin aja beautiful girl ..
1. Find a girl who used plasticity aja or tend ugly and definitely have not had a boyfriend .. but actually if the dandanin definitely going to be pretty small ... Inner beauty must already exist ... Bandingin if already a pretty girl who emang from nature to .. definitely going to put on plus arrogant .. (Although guns all like that)
2. Starting deh loe pedekate to him ... janji2 love paradise ... This is relatively easy because the guns sesusah ngedeketin've pretty girl who emang .. just reassure her that loe satu2nya guy who loved him ... Trust me, he'll klepek2 same loe ...
3. Once've invented .. doctrine loe him with all the effort to beautify him .. and ... Done .. Loe had a girl who would be both beautiful and faithful same loe ..

With minimal effort get the most out ...
Trust me .. beautiful girl guns just outside aja .. inner if there loe beautynya guns will also be disappointed ...
That real beauty comes from within all the people also must know .. not just the outside beauty must also be polished .. because there are still many people who look beyond .. Seeing
So that's all bro .. aja reply if there is additional ...

find it easy to meet girls and never needs to be easy difficulty telling a few tips for how to hook the beautiful girl at the supermarket or to meet a beautiful girl on the Mall following nah I will explain that girls want to meet at the Mall. please menoba

For example, you are more roads in the mall. Hanging out at the food court, there was a girl alone or together with his friend. Enough to occasionally you see him / them. Then wait until the glass she / they live and a half. Why should it? Because it means she / they are already comfortable enough there there. After that soon move from your seat. Go to them and tell them firmly, "Mbak, I've been very curious, want the same acquaintances mbak, should not you?"

Ga Tau, 99% must be answered. Now, after introductions, observe its surroundings, their luggage, etc.. Can be used as a chat tuh. Make sure not to enter the private sphere as the first female acquaintances. The first impression of the girl, the next set. If from the start he was resentful to you because it too wanted to know the private sphere, he will not interest anymore to see you another time.

Now, about next time, ya aja discussed later. This post was not discussed Doank acquaintances. The point is, to an acquaintance with a girl, so not impressed "chicken", the guy must be creative and take advantage of existing opportunities. Creativity's not necessary to have examples. If no instance, later on you all to copy and paste and the girls will experience a crisis, creative guy.

Panjo, the missing Bengal tiger, has been found near Bronkorstspruit, east of Pretoria, after an extensive-two day search. Justin Fernandes, son of the big cat's owner, Goosey Fernandes, said that the family was "ecstatic''

"When I called out to him, he came straight towards me, put his head on my shoulder and purred," Fernandes told the South African Press Association over the phone.

"And he carried on purring all the way back; this is how I communicate with him, we understand each other ... Everyone is now having a whiskey at home, we are ecstatic and relieved."

Panjo was found in the bushes near Verena, Mpumalanga, at about 8pm.

A frantic search began for the majestic animal after he jumped out of his owners' bakkie in Delmas on Monday evening.

"He was frightened, terrified. I lured him with a piece of rump steak ... but he knew me already," Fernandes said before calling out Panjo's name.

"Yes, he is walking around the house, we haven't put him back on to the farm. He is enjoying being home, and we are enjoying him."

The animal was transported back in the same vehicle he escaped from.

Fernandes said he had been taking the 145kg animal to a vet for his vaccinations and for a chip to be inserted when "he went Awol".

"You know, when I realised he was gone, I just fell to my knees, phoned my wife and said to her, 'Dear God, Panjo's gone'," said an emotional Fernandes.

He said when sniffer dogs tracked the scent of the animal, people who were part of the search team started getting overly excited.

"I told them, please just leave him [Panjo] alone. It was dark, they were waving torches in hand ... I must say I got a bit cheesed off, so I said to them, 'Please, let me load him into the van'. "

Panjo, a Bengal tiger, caused much panic amongst community members since his escape.

Some expressed fears that he may attack a person as he had not eaten since Monday evening.

Many also claimed to have spotted the animal.

Earlier on Wednesday, Fernandes said he had started receiving calls from people demanding money as compensation for their animals -- they said were eaten by the feline, which was used to getting food from his owner.

"One guy said, 'Your cat just killed three of my cows. I have got him and I want R10 000'," said Fernandes. "I told him, 'I will give you R20 000, just keep him there', but then I can't get hold of him again."

It was eventually a sighting by a farmer in Verena that led to Panjo being found, Fernandes said.

"He had quite a roam."

Panjo was born on February 21 last year on Fernandes's property.

"He was born on Robert Mugabe's birthday, but Panjo is too loveable," he chuckled

Tiger still on the loose and lost

The Bengal tiger is 17-month-old Panjo, which disappeared somewhere between Groblersdal and Delmas in Mpumalanga on Monday night, according to his owners. By nightfall on Monday night he had been on the run for at least 20 hours.

As the light faded, owner Goosey Fernandes was desperate. "He is my life. He changed my life completely," he said.

Fernandes hand-reared Panjo from a three-week-old cub after he had been abandoned by his mother.

"He taught me so much patience," said Fernandes. "He sleeps with seven Jack Russells."

Panjo means playful in Italian, and Fernandes has one of the 150kg tiger's baby teeth hanging on a gold chain around his neck.

The animal was being driven from Fernandes's game farm in Groblersdal back home to Endicott, near Springs. He was suppose to go to a vet yesterday for his inoculations and to have a tracking chip inserted.

But Panjo disappeared from the Ford F250 he was being transported in, somewhere between Groblersdal and where the R25 crosses the N12.

Fernandes discovered he was missing at about 10pm on Monday. He and his wife Rosa think the canopy door may have come loose when Fernandes went over a pothole.

Fernandes said he had looked into the rear of the bakkie soon after leaving Groblersdal to talk to his tiger. "He still kissed me, purred - that is what he does. And that is when I last saw him."

Rosa claims the canopy door was locked.

Delmas police were called in around 4am. The family called radio stations early yesterday. Friends heard and offered helicopters and fixed-wing aircraft to search. But no one knew where to start looking.

"We dispatched lookouts and informed nearby farmers," said Constable Ntomfuthi Mashiyane, who usually deals with truck hijackings.

Eblockwatch, an organisation usually involved in crime fighting, mobilised farmers in the area. The response was overwhelming.

"We got a farmer out here who was willing to use dogs that track lions in the Kruger National Park. There are farmers with dart guns. It is quite a circus," said founder Andre Snyman.

Helicopters and microlights also joined the search.

Then came the corny SMS retorts. "A tiger can never be spotted because it has stripes." "It is in the Woods," said another. And "Have you looked in your tank?"

The chief fire officer for the Victor Khanye municipality, Frans Bolton, said that because the tiger was semi-tame, they hoped it would behave like a cat and go home.

Some tiger sightings were reported in the area. At about 9am, some farmworkers saw Panjo south of the R42. Buthi Mahlangu claims to have seen him on a farm. "I saw that thing," he said. Unsure what it was, he ran.

A couple of hours later, a searcher in a Cessna said he saw Panjo near the R42. By nightfall, trackers "Mad Mark" Tennant and Ian Johnson had been brought in to look for him.

"Ian phoned me and said there was a tiger on the loose, and I thought he was joking. He said we have to find it before the hunters do," said Tennant.

The two men star in a programme on DStv's Animal Planet called Mad Mike and Mark.

Bolton said there were no plans to shoot the tiger or bring in dogs.

"You want to keep him as calm as possible, so that he listens to his owner."

By 5pm on Monday, a helicopter with an infra-red thermal imaging system had arrived.

Engineer Brett Wright said he had called his friend Mario Vergottini of RotorWay International, who organised a helicopter. They borrowed a thermal imager from optical company Carl Zeiss, worth about R400 000. They hoped to use it to spot the tiger from the air, by picking up its body heat.

Panjo, who wears a size 32 brown leather collar, last ate on Monday night and had missed his usual breakfast and dinner of milk and meat.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Bloody hell this just shows you age is in your mind!
Old-ympics: Gran And Grandad Games
Held in Australia
The Games attracted 28,292 competititors from 95 countries ranging in age from 24 to 101.
Some competitors didn't appear to worry so much about being well-toned

athletes. This woman 83 years old smoked a cigarette while

taking part in the bowling


And they're off!

Earl Fee of Canada (centre) leads his 80-84 age group in the 100-metre
sprint on the track.


Another swimmer, 98-year-old Margo Bates, prepares for the 100-metre backstroke


Jack Mathieson, aged 91, poses after swimming in the 800-metre freestyle.


More than 28,000 athletes took part in the Sydney competition. They included
a bearded man called O Santa Claus.

He ran in the 100-metre sprint in the 80-84 age group.
The100 year old great-grandmother from Brisbane won the gold medal in
shot put- then again, she was the only competitor in her age group.

Cerebrum or serebum located above the brain stem is the largest part of the human brain. This section is responsible for all intellectual activity, such as the ability to think, menalarkan, remembering, imagining, and planning for the future.

The cerebrum is divided into parts (hemispheres), left and right hemisphere. Each side has different functions. Left brain functions in matters relating to logic, reason, ability to write and read, and is central to mathematics. Part of the brain is the controlling intelligence quotient (IQ). This part of the brain's memory is also short term.

Meanwhile, the right brain function in the development of emotional quotient (EQ). For example socialization, communication, interaction with other human beings as well as emotional control. On the right brain is also located intuitive ability, the ability to sense, integrate, and expression of the body, such as singing, dancing and painting.

Hemisphere which is better, not easy to answer because each side has different functions. However, according to experts, most people in the world live with his left brain relies more.

The user's left brain is generally stronger in math. They also tend to have sharper right ear, foot and his right hand is also much sharper than his hands and his left leg. Users and vice versa with the right brain.

How do I know someone uses part of the brain where the more dominant of the interface can also diintip desk. When a person uses the right brain dominant, traits tend to be messy desk. Even so he knows exactly where the items sought and what was being done. Therefore, those who use more right brain, parallel thinking processes, while users left brain way of thinking series.

To optimize the performance of the two parts of the brain, we could do gymnastics brain (Brain Gym). The principle of this exercise is to perform movements deviated through the middle or which is called the corpus callosum.

Simple and quick Strawberry cheesecake no baking necessary

A cheesecake, generally made with soft cream cheeses and biscuits, is just the thing for a special occasion. Follow this quick and easy recipe to make a simple but delicious cheesecake – without even having to bake!

Ingredients – cake:

1 packet Tennis biscuits
1 tbsp butter
1 tin condensed milk
1 tub fat-free cottage cheese 250g
½ cup lemon juice

Ingredients – topping:

1 tub fresh strawberries and 1 tbsp icing sugar OR a tin of fruit jam (such as raspberry) OR a tin of passionfruit /granadilla pulp

  1. Crush the biscuits and mix with the butter to use as a base. Press into a shallow dish.
  2. Mix the condensed milk, cottage cheese and lemon juice together, and pour over the biscuit base.
  3. Pick your favourite topping; heat up a tin of jam over a stove until it’s runny and glaze it over your cake, or decorate it with fresh fruit and a sprinkle of icing sugar. Alternatively, glaze a tin of passion fruit / granadilla pulp over your cake.
  4. Let stand in fridge for at least two hours before serving, and keep any left overs in the fridge as well.

Monday, July 26, 2010

All of this made from Sea Sand!
Amazing skill by truly talented people with lots
of time and patience

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Don't underestimate a little girls Intelligence

A firefighter was working on the engine outside the station, When he noticed a little girl nearby in a little red wagon with Little ladders hung off the sides, and a garden hose tightly Coiled in the middle.

The girl was wearing a firefighter’s helmet.

The wagon was being pulled by her dog and her cat.

The firefighter walked over to take a closer look.

“That sure is a nice fire truck,” the firefighter said with a smile.

“Thanks,” the girl replied.

The firefighter looked a little closer. The girl had tied the wagon to her dog’s collar and to the cat’s testicles.

“Little partner,” the firefighter said, “I don’t want to tell you how to run your rig, but if you were to tie that rope around the Cat’s’ collar, I think you could go faster.”

The little girl replied thoughtfully,

“You’re probably right, but then I wouldn’t have a siren.

Young boy puts on best suit and gets parents to take him to Nelson Mandelas house to deliver a Birthday card
The 11-year-old from Northcliff expected to drop his birthday card at Mandela's home in Houghton, Johannesburg, and then leave, but was invited in by Mbuso Mandela, Madiba's grandson.

Justin said Mbuso overheard him asking the security guard to deliver the card to the former president and said to him: "Tata isn't too busy, he's reading the papers and I'm sure he wouldn't mind a visitor."

"It was really amazing to get to walk through their grand house; Madiba was sitting in the lounge. When he saw me, he told me to go closer, held my hand and said that my card was lovely," said Justin.

The grade 6 pupil at Johannesburg's German International School was not sure what to do for his 67 minutes of community service on the day so he made a card to thank Madiba for all he had done for South Africans and give clothes to charity.

After donating the clothes in Sandton, Justin asked his dad, Michael, to take him to Houghton so he could drop off the card.

On the card, Justin had written: "I wish you a happy 92nd birthday and all the best.

''It broke my heart when I heard about the death of your great-grandchild. I wanted to thank you for everything you did for South Africa."

Justin drew four cartoons: one depicting Mandela in prison in 1970, a poster of the Free Nelson Mandela campaign at Wembley Stadium in 1998, the Union Buildings in 1994 and Soccer City in 2010.

Mbuso took the picture of them with Justin's camera.

Justin said that when he told friends at school about his experience they did not believe him at first.

"Luckily I have pictures to prove it.

"When I think about it I feel like I was dreaming. I never imagined that it would be so easy to meet Madiba," he said.

His dad was not so lucky. He waited in the car while Justin went to drop off the card, and only learned of the meeting when his ecstatic son returned.

Friday, July 23, 2010

State vs Media Cry the beloved
In Parliament this week the tension was tangible as civil society and media organizations made representations to an ad-hoc committee processing the protection of information bill a so called new secrecy act

Questions from the assembled MPs were tough. We hope we scored some hits, but we also bear scars where we were hit. That's okay, we can take it. After all, the free flow of information and the robust debate we experienced there are not only the lifeblood of our industry, they also represent democracy in action.

So we won't be crybabies, but we will engage in yet more democratic debate and shout this from the rooftops: if this Bill in its current form becomes law and if other initiatives aimed at unduly reining in the media — such as the proposed media tribunal — become a reality, this free flow of information will be stemmed. Not only will the lifeblood of the media be cut off, but also the lifeblood of democracy itself.

Proponents of the Bill have posed what they regard as fundamental dichotomies: personal dignity versus unfettered flow of information, the broad national interest versus the right to know, as enshrined in the Constitution.

This way of seeing the matter echoes the way a reactionary United States has typified it post-9/11: national security versus civil liberties.
And so, the question becomes: How to balance these competing interests?

The dichotomies are false. As a former CIA lawyer put it at a seminar this week: don't balance the two. Transparency and openness make government stronger, enhancing national security. Keep your secrets to an absolute minimum; that way you can protect them better. Engender trust in your decisions about what to keep secret by disclosing the maximum. The same goes for the argument about personal dignity.

The Protection of Information Bill is just one half of a two-pronged attack on freedom of information in general and on freedom of the media in particular. The other is the resurgence of proposals within the ANC for the creation of a statutory media tribunal that would regulate the conduct of the press.

Such an organ would be structurally inimical to media freedom, even if presented in the most neutral fashion, but the examples chosen by its proponents to justify its creation are chilling.

For example, the ANC has suggested that a tribunal would be able to clamp down on reporting about the lavish, taxpayer-funded lifestyles of Cabinet ministers. Such reporting is the most basic example of what the Constitution and a growing body of common law enjoin us to do.

It has also been suggested that reporting on the controversial "autopsy" painting of Nelson Mandela should not have been allowed. Clearly this represents the most basic kind of reporting on culture and matters of national debate.

What both the Bill and the tenor of debate about a media tribunal represent is a deepening hostility to both a free press and the free flow of information.

These are not ornaments glued to our democratic architecture; they are part of its very foundations.

Before you get to worked up it's just a fun chart not
to be taken seriously parody
Oh man that's just funny but I am sure
that somebody is going to
think its inappropriate

Thursday, July 22, 2010

One of the most Gracious and sweetest men in South Africa has decided to retire. The Archbishop Emeritus Desmond Tutu announced yesterday

South Africa is to lose a voice of reason and reconciliation that has guided the country through turbulent times for the past 30 years.

Yesterday Archbishop Emeritus Desmond Tutu announced he will be retiring from public life on his birthday in October.
At a packed press conference the beloved church leader said the day he introduced Nelson Mandela as the country's first democratically elected president, he thought: "God, if I die now I don't really mind."

This is the highlight of his career, which has spanned decades and which he has spent, according to him, contributing to the development of a "new democratic, exhilarating, exasperating nation".

Tutu, a Nobel Peace Prize winner turns 79 on October 7.

During a press conference at St George's Cathedral in the city centre, Tutu often joked and laughed as he explained his reasons for stepping out of the limelight.

His infectious giggles kept journalists laughing, but at least one was overcome with emotion and had to blink away tears as Tutu spoke.

Instead of being constantly on the move, he said he wanted to "wind down".

"I've always longed for more contemplating, for more quiet, to catch up on my reading ... The time has now come to slow down, to sip Rooibos tea with my beloved wife in the afternoons, to watch cricket, to travel to visit my children and grandchildren, rather than to conferences and conventions and university campuses."

Tutu said the "best decision" of his life had been getting married to Leah, his wife of 55 years.

"I pay tribute to my wife ... Now I will have time to serve her hot tea in the mornings as any doting husband should."

Asked if he had any regrets, Tutu chuckled.

"I still do have a tiny bit of me that wants to have been able to use a stethoscope ... I hoped to become a physician. Each time I see those white coats, a little bit of me feels it...

"And maybe somebody might tell me what it is like to be tall."

Tutu said he had "crazy grandchildren" who would keep him on his toes in future. He would possibly miss his hectic schedule and the attention he attracted, but did not think he would crave it.

Throughout the years, he had met a number of high-profile people and had travelled around the world, but his family had always kept him humble.

"Even when I've been sitting in the Oval Office (the US president's official office), I kept pinching myself, asking: 'Is this really me?' I have a wife and children who have kept my head the right size. Just when I thought I was the cat's whiskers, they brought me back down."

So far, Tutu said South Africa had "done well".

"Obviously the difference between apartheid and democracy is like chalk and cheese. I've been a school teacher and like a teacher says: 'This student is doing well, but there's room for improvement.'

"I will go to my grave happily when I see us become what we have it in us to become. Caring. Compassionate. Gentle. More than anything else I long so much that we will become the country that we have it in us to become.

"A caring country, not maybe hugely successful, we may become that, but one where every single South African actually feels they matter. Even when they are poor they know they matter."

Tutu said if South Africa were a film, "we'd be a shoo-in for an Oscar".

Though he had prostate cancer, he was "as fine as I can hope to be".

"I don't propose to climb Table Mountain ... I don't intend to keel over at present."

He retired as Archbishop of Cape Town in 1996 and again when the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, which he chaired, wrapped up.

Since then his schedule had "grown increasingly punishing".

Tutu, who thanked his colleagues, doctors and all South Africans, said he would limit his time in the office to one day a week and honour existing appointments until the end of February.

He would still support the Desmond Tutu Peace Centre in Cape Town and would continue to be involved with the Elders, a group of global leaders, and the Nobel Laureate Group.

He would step down as chancellor of the University of the Western Cape and as a member of the United Nations advisory committee on prevention of genocide.

"On the whole I'll shut up. But sometimes I might find I can't resist it," Tutu said with another chuckle.

A Royal wedding coming up soon

Albert is engaged to Charlene Wittstock, a former Olympic swimmer from South Africa.

The palace in the Riviera principality said Thursday that the two have set a date for a religious ceremony: July 9, 2011. A civil ceremony will take place the day earlier.

Alfred met the willowy blonde Wittstock during a 2000 swimming competition in Monaco. His betrothed has iconic shoes to fill, stepping into a role left vacant since the death of much-beloved Princess Grace in a car crash in 1982.

This will be a socialites dream so let's see which South Africans crack a nod to the event?

Link to a further Interview with Miss Wittstock in Vogue

Link to the wedding pictures

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Sailing couple have a Whale of a time on their yacht

Paloma Werner and Ralph Mothes were sailing in Cape Town's Table Bay on Sunday afternoon when a whale breached on their yacht, Intrepid. The couple said that they were "lucky to be alive and unhurt".

Mothes said they were sailing at about three knots towards Robben Island. "We saw it breach about 300 yards away. It was on a collision course with us. It smacked the mast about a metre and half above the boom and everything collapsed. "It slid back into the water and there were pieces of skin everywhere. There was no blubber but lots of pieces of the whale all over the show," he said. "I had bits of prawn all over me," said Mothes. "It's amazing that we weren't injured." As for the whale? "It was probably bruised," and shaken up he said.

Never mind the "one who flew over the cuckoos nest" this whale tried to fly over the "crows nest"

A handheld laser likened to a Star Wars lightsabre and so powerful it can instantly blind and "set fire to skin and other body parts" can be bought online and shipped to anyplace in the world
The device - with a beam 1,000 times stronger than sunlight on the skin - is touted by makers as "the most dangerous laser ever created".

Trading standard chiefs said they were "seriously concerned" about the sale of the model and have warned against its use.

As well as blinding, burning and causing cancer, its Hong Kong-based maker admits that "a split-second laser light in a plane cockpit (...) can be disastrous".

Star Wars fans are among hundreds of people who have already shown an interest in buying the laser, for sale to the general public for £135 or R1576

An expert, said the 1W beam was 1,000 times stronger than laser pointers normally available to the public.

They could be "deadly" if aimed at car drivers or even pilots in planes, Mr Colton added.

Wicked said the device would have cost thousands to build not long ago, but technological advances have made it available much more cheaply.

"This laser possesses the most burning capabilities of any portable laser in existence," the website reads.

"That's why it's also the most dangerous laser ever created."

The website goes on to warn: "Extremely dangerous is an understatement to the power of 1W of laser power.

"It will blind permanently and instantly and set fire quickly to skin and other body parts."

It adds that users should use eye protection and must read and agree the "Laser Hazard Acknowledgment Form".

Tommy and Salati the best of friends
The leopard and the golden retriever who are the best of friends
It's a role reversal not commonly seen, but then the cat chasing this dog is a little larger than most. Salati, a ten-month-old leopard, and her best friend, golden retriever Tommy, like nothing more than to run amok before settling down for a friendly cuddle. The odd couple were reared together at Glen Afric Country Lodge near Pretoria in South Africa .

Salati, a ten-month-old leopard, leans in for a cuddle with her best friend, Golden Retriever Tommy Animal wrangler Richard Brooker, 23, raised Salati and takes her and family dog Tommy for their daily exercise together. Each morning, he walks them on his family's 1,850-acre estate and then lets them run free to their hearts' content. He said: 'Wherever you see one the other is right behind.They are inseparable and both have lots of energy so they get the exercise they both need together.

The pair take daily walks together at the Glen Afric Country Lodge near Pretoria in South Africa 'When we first received Salati she was tiny and Tommy could chase her around. But now with Salati matching him for weight the tables have turned. 'It's all fun and games and they love playing together. 'But dogs aren't used to being chased by cats almost the same size as them. I think it was a shock for him when she started doing the chasing but it's fun to see them exploring together.'


Tommy and Salati enjoy a bit of rough and tumble in the South African bush. As a cub Salati was much smaller than friendly Tommy, who weighs 18lb. But the fast-growing predator now packs a bigger punch at a hefty 40lb, more than twice the weight of her excitable dog friend. Mr Brooker added: 'Dogs need to walk and going out with Tommy for a ramble in the bushes means Salati develops properly into a fit adult leopard


The pair lay contentedly together in the boot of the four-wheel drive 'I take them out in the truck so they can have a good run-around together in lots of space.' Rescued as an orphaned cub, Salati was donated by a local vet to the family-run country retreat, which helps to rehabilitate injured and destitute animals. Breeding programs at the spectacular venue also ensure that some of their animals who will never be able to survive in the wild enjoy the good life within huge enclosures. The Brookers' hard work has helped boost wildlife numbers in the area.. They have over 200 animals across 32 species on the grounds. The stunning getaway is visited by resident guests staying at the lodge and day visitors who want to see Africa 's amazing creatures including lions, elephants and giraffes.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Heed the warning signs

Recent developments in a number of political parties suggest one thing: our young democracy is under assault.
Factionalism and jockeying for position is normal in political parties anywhere in the world - especially those that operate within democratic principles - but what is happening here points to a deeper problem - one that puts into question the very survival of our democratic dispensation.

Perhaps it ought to surprise no one that the power struggle in the ANC Youth League has degenerated into the purging of those who disagree with its leaders.

The current crop of leaders in this wing of the ruling party has never seemed too keen on democratic processes.

Remember how they came to power at that chaotic national conference in 2008?

The same can justifiably be said of the spectacular self-destruction we continue to witness in the Congress of the People.

Regardless of what its founders said about the necessity of a viable opposition in building a strong democracy, we know that there would not have been a COPE had Mosiuoa Lekota, Mbhazima Shilowa and their fellow travellers not lost a democratic contest at the ANC national conference in Polokwane in 2007.

And then there is the IFP, whose national council, its second-highest decision-making body, resolved on Sunday to once again postpone an elective annual general conference that was scheduled for the coming weekend.

The general conference, which should have taken place in June last year, has been shelved because party bosses are afraid of losing a democratic contest to national chairwoman Zanele Magwaza-Msibi.

Whatever one thinks of party president Mangosuthu Buthelezi and his track record at the helm of Inkatha for the past 35 years, the fact is that the prince considers himself a dyed-in-the-wool democrat.

His supporters often wax lyrical about how he helped to stop post-apartheid South Africa "from sliding into a one-party state like most of Africa".

Some of those supporters must now be wondering why this leader, who has always fashioned himself as a champion of pluralism and freedom of association, would allow the party hierarchy to use every trick in the book to try to circumvent a democratic process.

Two weeks ago, the party's national council initiated an inquiry into Magwaza-Msibi's link with a group that has used guerrilla tactics, inside and outside the IFP, to campaign for her presidency.

Were a link to be found, Magwaza-Msibi would be suspended, or barred from contesting the election next weekend.

But she did not pitch up at the national council meeting last weekend at which the inquiry was to be held. She submitted a medical certificate instead.

This put a spanner in the works of those who wanted her suspended before the elective conference.

So they decided to postpone the conference indefinitely, announcing that it would take place only "subsequent to the normalisation of the atmosphere within the party".

In other words, there will be no elective conference for as long as the Magwaza-Msibi threat continues to exist.

But what is wrong with holding a fair and open contest at which the party rank and file can decide whom they want as their leader?

Magwaza-Msibi is clearly a popular figure in the IFP, but surely her support base cannot be larger than Buthelezi's?

So why all this fear?

The IFP president has kept everybody guessing about whether he'll retire. Current events suggest that he has decided to step down but fears that his choice of successor, the Rev Musa Zondi, would not be able to fend off a Magwaza-Msibi challenge in an election.

If Buthelezi is the true democrat he claims to be, he will allow the two to fight it out, and accept the democratic will of IFP members.

But what does all of this have to do with the state of the country's democracy?

If political parties, both in government and opposition, cannot brook dissent from within, what hope is there that they will do so on a national stage?

The decay and eventual collapse of the Zimbabwean democracy - once regarded as the best in Southern Africa - began with the suppression of alternative voices in the ruling Zanu-PF.

It is in the interests of us all that the democratic space remains open in all of the political parties.

The Secrets to a good steak on a
Braai or BBQ
Well here goes my advice after years of practice :0)

1: Make sure that you have your steaks cut thick about 25mm thick which is good thinner and it dries up like a prune
2: Always massage your rub or spices into the meat which should be at room temperature don't just throw it on massage the rub into the meat take your time here
3: Allow the meat to stand with the rub on for about ten minutes not longer as the salt or some spices can pull to much moisture out
4: Always have a section of fat on your steak it provides great taste and basting for your meat as it cooks if you don't like fat cut it of after grilling
5: Make sure you have adequate coals to give you lots of heat steak likes a hot quick fire to seal in the taste and flavour
6: Try to turn your steak only once or twice on the fire as to many turns allows the meat to seep to much moisture and juice out and with it all the flavour
7: Lastly always let your steak stand for at least five to ten minutes after cooking to relax and release the flavours into the meat before eating
Now enjoy your steak and don't forget a bucket of beers with it or a real good full bodied red wine for those who want to be a little more cultured

Monday, July 19, 2010

Black couple give birth to white baby girl with blonde hair and
blue eyes... and she's NOT an albino
This is the black couple who have amazed medical experts after their baby daughter was born with white skin, blue eyes and blonde hair.

Benjamin and Angela Ihegboro's daughter, Nmachi, has flummoxed genetic experts who are unable to explain why she looks they way she does.

Doctors say the white-skinned newborn is not an albino.

The blonde, blue-eyed girl's Nigerian parents say they don't know

The British couple are both of Igbo Nigerian origin and have dark skin.

Father Ben Ihegboro, 44, a customer services advisor, admitted that when he saw the baby he exclaimed 'What the flip?' before joking: 'Is she mine?'

Doctors at Queen Mary hospital in Sidcup insist that Nmachi - whose name means 'beauty of God' in the couple's native Igbo language - is not an albino.

Her stunned parents, who already have two black children, just 'sat and stared' at their white baby when she arrived, they told the Sun last night.

'We both just sat there after the birth staring at her,' said Mr Ihegboro.

Mum Angela said: 'She is beautiful, a miracle baby.'

Despite jokingly asking whether he was the father, Mr Igegboro said: 'Of course she is mine.

'My wife is true to me. Even if she hadn't been, the baby wouldn't have looked like that!'

Pale skin genes can skip generations but neither Ben nor Angela Ihegboro - who only moved to Britain five years ago - know of any white heritage in either of their families.

'She doesn't look like an albino child anyway,' Mr Ihegboro said. 'Not like the ones I have seen back in Nigeria or in books. She just looks like a healthy white baby.

'My mum is a black Nigerian although she has a bit fairer skin than mine. But we don't know of any white ancestry.

'We wondered if it was a genetic twist. But even then, what is with the long curly blonde hair.'

Genetics professors expressed amazement at the birth last night.

'The birth is extraordinary,' said Professor Bryan Sykes, head of human genetics at Oxford University.

'In mixed race humans, the lighter variant of skin tone may come out in a child and this can sometimes be startlingly different to the skin of the parents.'

Professor Sykes said both parents would have needed 'some form of white ancestry.'

He added: 'The hair is extremely unusual. Even many blonde children don't have blonde hair like this at birth.

'The rules of genetics are complex and we still don't understand what happens in many cases.

'This might be a case where there is a lot of genetic mixing, as in Afro-Caribbean populations.

'But in Nigeria there is little mixing.'

The couple also have an older daughter, Dumebi, two, and a son, Chisom, four.

Mr Ihegboro said the couple's son was even more confused than them.

He added: 'Our boy keeps coming to look at his sister and sits down looking puzzled.

'We are a black family. Suddenly he has a white sister.

'But all that matters is that she is healthy and that we love her.'

Skin colour is believed to be determined by up to seven different genes working together.

If a woman is of mixed race, her eggs will usually contain a mixture of genes coding for both black and white skin. Similarly, a man of mixed race will have a variety of different genes in his sperm.

When these eggs and sperm come together, they will create a baby of mixed race.

But, very occasionally, the egg or sperm might contain genes coding for one skin colour. If both the egg and sperm contain all white genes, the baby will be white. And if both contain just the versions necessary for black skin, the baby will be black.

In 2006 a British mixed race couple last year gave birth to twin girls, one of whom was white and the other black.

Both Kylie and her partner Remi Horder, 17, are of mixed race. Their mothers are both white and their fathers are black.

But the chances of the twin girls having completely different skin colours was one in a million.

According to the Multiple Births Foundation, baby Kian must have inherited the black genes from both sides of the family, whilst Remee inherited the white ones.

Original story

China here we come keep your citizens in the dark
and you stop all decent
We all know it's just a bill to try and muzzle the press and freedom of speech!

Ah shut up
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Whats a man got to do to get a little peace around here?

A newly Married Fireman's directions
to his wife

A FIREMAN came home from work one day and told his wife,

"You know, we have a wonderful system at the fire station:

BELL 1 rings and we all put on our jackets ,

BELL 2 rings and we all slide down the pole,

BELL 3 rings and we're on the fire truck, ready to go.


"From now on when I say BELL 1

I want you to strip naked.

When I say BELL 2

I want you to jump in bed.

And when I say BELL 3

We are going to make love all night.

" The next night he came home from work and yelled

" BELL 1!" The wife promptly took all her clothes off.

When he yelled "BELL 2!",

the wife jumped into bed.

When he yelled "BELL 3!", they began making love.

After a few minutes the wife

yelled "BELL 4!"

"What the hell is BELL 4?"

asked the husband?


"ROLL OUT MORE HOSE," she replied "